PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 08, 2011 – The IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods) code is a lengthy and complicated set of rules designed to prevent marine pollution and to protect our environment and our seas by seeing that proper precautions and emergency procedures are in place.
Because of all the rules and regulations contained in this code, it is often difficult for busines garbage compactor review ses and those in their employ to fully understand all safety procedures involved. This can cause your business to lose time, money, and have a difficult time ensuring that all regulations of the code are enforced to guarantee the proper shipping of dangerous or hazardous goods.
The new IMDG amendment 35-10 is actually geared to helping ensure that all businesses and their employees understand and can apply the code. What this amendment does is make it a requirement for all people working with the shipping of dangerous material by water to have training in the code itself to ensure that those employees understand the code and can apply it when working with dangerous material.
In Australia, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority oversees that such training does take place and that all people who work with shipping dangerous goods by sea have taken the course and know and understand the regulations associated with their specific jobs.
Who Needs To Take This Dangerous Goods Course?
Everyone who is involved in the shipping of dangerous goods by vessel needs to take this course. This includes shippers, container packers, booking staff, port staff, and cargo inspectors as well as anyone else who works in trades where the IMDG code applies.
Where Do I Have To Go To Take This IMDG Course And How Do I Prove I Have Completed It?
The good news is that the IMDG amendment allows this course to be offered as an E course, which means that you can take it in the comfort of your home or from your work facility.
AlertForce ( offers the course and it is divided into segments. At the end of each segment, a test will be given to ensure that you are competent before moving on to the next segment. At the end, those who have successfully completed the course will be able to print off a certificate showing they have completed the required training.
The nice thing about this E-Training is that i Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi t is less costly than classroom training would be, making it more affordable for business owners to ensure that all their employees have the required training necessary. 1086274749 It also allows each helicop ter technology individual to complete training manual trash compactor at their own pace, making it possible for them to take the training without taking time off from their jobs.
Overall, this change in the IMDG requirements will actually, help businesses involved with the shipping of dangerous materials ensure that they do so in a safe manner that is in compliance with the code. This may in the long run help to prevent accidents that could end up costing your business huge fines and a ruined reputation.
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