Senin, 27 Juni 2011

New Market Research Report: France Power Report Q2 2011

PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 27, 2011 – The new France Power Report from BMI forecasts that the country will account for 7.66% of power generation in developed markets by 2015, and to remain a net exporter of electricity to neighbouring states. BMI's developed markets power generation estimate for 2010 is 7,270 terawatt hours (TWh), representing an increase of 1.7% over the previous year. We are forecasting a rise in regional generation to 7,809TWh between 2011 and 2015, representing an increase of 5.73%.

BMI estimates that thermal power generation in 2010 will have been 4,267TWh, accounting for 58.7% of the total electricity supplied in the region. Our forecast for 2015 is 4,456TWh, implying 3.19% growth that leaves th Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi e market share of thermal generation only slightly lower at 57.1% - in spite of environmental concerns that have led to the promotion of renewables, hydro-electricity and nuclear generation. France's thermal generation in 2010 will have been an estimated 49.0TWh, or 1.15% of the regional total. By 2015, the country is expected to account for 1.12% of thermal generation.

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For France, nuclear energy is the dominant fuel, accounting for 39.4% of estimated 2010 PED, followed by oil at 35.3%, gas at 15.5%, coal with a 4.0% share of PED and hydro-electric power with 5.1%. Developed markets energy demand is forecast to reach 4,027mn tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) by 2015, representing 5.71% growth between 2011-2015. France's estimated 2010 market share of 6.67% is set to ease to 6.55% by 2015 while the country's estimated 435TWh of nuclear demand in 2010 is forecast to reach 453TWh by 2015, with its share of the nuclear market in developed markets rising from 25.74% to 26.01% over the period.

BMI is now forecasting French real GDP growth averaging 1.84% per annum between 2011 and 2015, with the 2011 forecast being an increase of 1.70%. Population is expected to garbage compactor review expand from 63.0mn to 63.9mn over the period, but GDP per capita and electricity consumption per capita are forecast to be down 2% and up 6% respectively by 2015. The country's power consumption is expected to increase from an estimated 417TWh in 2009 to 453TWh by the end of the forecast period, providing a theoretical supply surplus of around 57TWh, assuming 1.6% average annual growth (2011-2015) in generation.

Between 2011 and 2020, we are forecasting an increase in French electricity generation of 14.5%, which is in the middle of the range for the developed markets. This equates to 7.0% in the 2015-2020 period, unchanged from the growth rate seen in 2011-2015. PED growth is set to rise from 4.4% in 2011-2015 to 4.7%, representing 9.3% for the entire forecast period. An increase of 50% in hydro-power use during 2011-2020 is one key element of generation growth. Thermal power generation is forecast to rise by 2% between 2010 and 2020, with nuclear demand increasing by 6%. More details of the longer-term BMI power forecasts can be found at the end of this report.

Report Table of Contents:

SWOT Analysis - France Political SWOT - France Economic SWOT - France Business Environment SWOT Industry Overview - Global - Table: Global Summary, 2008-2015 - Developed Markets - Table: Developed Markets Power Generation, 2008-2015 (TWh) - Table: Developed Markets Thermal Power Generation, 2008-2015 (TWh) - Table: Developed Markets Primary Energy Demand, 2008-2015 (mn toe) - Table: Developed Markets Gas Consumption, 2008-2015 (bcm) - Table: Developed Markets Coal Consumption, 2008-2015 (mn toe) - Table: Developed Markets Nuclear Energy Consumption, 2008-2015 (TWh) Market Overview - Primary Energy Demand - Power Generation - Power Consumption - Regulation And Competition - Pricing - Power Transmiss rc helicopter market place ion Industry Forecast Scenario - France Power Outlook - Generation - Gas-Fired - Oil-Fired - Coal-Fired - Nuclear Energy - Hydro-Electric - Renewable Energy - Power Costs - Transmission - Table: French Power Industry, 2008-2015 - Table: French Thermal Power, 2008-2015 - Table: French Non-Thermal Power, 2008-2015 - Table: French Power Costs, 2008-2015 - Assumptions And Methodology - Key Risks To BMI's Forecast Scenario - Long-Term Power Outlook Macroeconomic Outlook - Table: France - Economic Activity; 2006-2015 Competitive Landscape - Electricite de France (EdF) - Electrabel-Suez - Endesa France/SNET - Areva Power Outlook: Long-Term Forecasts - Global Snapshot - Table: Global Summary, 2013-2020 - Regional Outlook - Table: Developed Markets Electricity Generation, 2013-2020 (TWh) - Table: Developed Markets Primary Energy Demand, 2013-2020 (mn toe) - Table: Developed Markets Thermal Power Generation, 2013-2020 (TWh) - Table: Developed Markets Hydro-Electric Generation, 2013-2020 (TWh) - Table: Developed Markets Nuclear Generation, 2013-2020 (TWh) - France Overview - Methodology And Risks To Forecasts Company Monitor - Electricite de France (EdF) - Market Position - Strategy - Latest Developments BMI Methodology - How We Generate Our Industry Forecasts - Power Industry - Cross Checks - Sources

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